Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Weekend Creations

Check it out ... the world's tiniest clay Bernese Mountain Dog (quite possibly the world's ONLY clay Bernese Mounatin Dog). :) My camera refused to focus on this tiny creature. Here he is sitting next to a quarter. This little fellow of course belongs with the tiny clay Werner family and Werner house. (complete with two stray yellow cats on the side. Also, note that Ralph has a bowl of food next to him ...) While Emily was hard at work on her clay creations, Gage, Roger and I were hauling rock and making progress on the stonework. It may not look like much progress, but boy was it a lot of work! Yes, I worked ... look at all of the rock we hauled from Roger's pasture! Here's what it looked like by the end of the weekend. Now that we have all of the rock and the base finished, it should (hopefully) start going faster! The temp is suppose to be near 70 degrees next weekend .... great weather to make some more progress! While this wasn't technically weekend work, I wanted to share our cool rustic bathroom pic, which Gage finished two weekends ago. One shower curtain to hang, and we'll be in business! I also wanted to share a new picture of my kitchen .... for no other reason than because it makes me smile. :) Sunday afternoon, Emily was in town skating with friends, so Gage and I took and break and went rambling around the place with Koda and Dusty. Here is what I discovered in my flower bed! Crocus stems! We may have flowers by next weekend! Dusty lives up to his name with a good roll in the dirt. We finished our ramble by playing with Dusty on/in our little garden shed. Nothing like a great weekend of work and play to remind a person how great life is ...


Rhonda said...

I love your house and can so see why your kitchen makes you smile! Thought of another name... "The Werner's Great Life!". I just always feel good after reading your blog...how 'bout that birthday boy?

Aunt Deannie said...

Your picture of Dusty peeking in the barrel or tank or whatever, would win an award. What a fantastic picture! Your home is wonderful and I have enjoyed watching your progress. Kalo and Maggie's Aunt Deannie

Libby said...

I LOVE your kitchen. We can't wait to come visit - miss you guys!

Sara Shaffer said...

I really like your kitchen! Enjoy it.