Monday, October 26, 2009

Easy Weekend

While it would have been very easy to dwell on the things we were missing out on this weekend (Uncle Tom's 60th birthday party, Maggie's 1st birthday party, Tailgating at the KU/OU Game), I chose instead to enjoy some of the good things in life during a relaxing weekend at home:

Sunday afternoon at the "hacienda": Emily enjoying a good book in the company of her cat and dog; fall colors along Timber Creek; walking back from the creek (must be a really good book!)

Every kid should have a 100 pound dog to frolic with, don't you think (thank goodness Koda was a runt!)

I spent some time over the weekend finishing my canning for the year.  I had been CRAVING apple butter, but since Gage used all of Roger's apples making wine (I'm sure I won't be complaining about that in a few months!), I had to settle for store bought apples.  The butter still turned out delicious!  We also have a plethora of peppers right now  ... shown here is what was STILL LEFT after I made another double batch of hot pepper jelly!  Gage is trying to convince me to make a few more batches, but I don't think my feet/ankles can take it.  I told him I would supervise if he wanted to make some.  :)

On another note, after spending nearly ALL AFTERNOON on Saturday making the apple butter, I had just finished cleaning up and was admiring my 16 half pint jars of delicious, golden, apple butter when Gage walked in and said "is that all it made?"  Sadness.  He has grand plans to increase production next year.  :)

Looks like these weekends at home are going to be the norm for awhile.  After attending a conference for 3 days last week in Overland Park, I was plagued with not only extremely swollen feet (and hands, face, etc.), but shooting back pain and extreme fatigue.  Yuck.  But maybe taking it easy for the next five weeks won't be such a bad thing.  On the agenda for next weekend: scrapbooking!  I still have hopes to finish our wedding scrapbook before the baby comes (nothing like procrastination, right?), and a few photo album/scrapbooks of our house construction.  I can't wait!


Rhonda said...

Emily looks right at home reading there! And what a beautiful area! You guys have a wonderful place and I love your pets! The canning is so impressive! But you had better get your feet up while you can! :P
Aren't the Maggie BD pics cute? thinking of you lots and lots! God bless!

Sara Shaffer said...

Yum, apple butter! You are going to have to teach me a few tricks. I would love to learn how to make all those great homemade things you keep making! Glad you had a weekend at home and pray that the next weeks go smoothly for you and that you gets lots done before your new addition arrives!

Anonymous said...

We missed you here in KC last weekend, and everyone in the Hineman family wishes you and Gage could have joined us at Tom's 60th birthday party. But, I'm sure it was better physically for you to stay at home for an "easy weekend." I'm not sure how easy all that canning was, though! I love the pictures of Emily and the pets and the beautifal fall colors. Take care of yourself, and enjoy scrapbooking! Love, Linda

laura mcpherson said...

Gosh...all your canned stuff looks yummy! My hubby loves apple butter! Maybe one day I'll learn how to can :)

Good luck with the scrapbooks. Don't feel bad at all though. We just had our 7th Anniversary, and our wedding book still isn't completely done! Oops! I'm horrible with scrapbooks, that why keeping up my blog is so important to me! Have a great weekend!