Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Morning Happiness

As I have begun to get back some of my energy (thank goodness for the second trimester!), I have started a new morning ritul. Each morning before I get ready for work, I spend at least 30 minutes strolling around the gardens with my dogs. I'm usually out just as the sun is starting to peak over the treetops ... what a great way to start the day!
Some mornings I just walk, other mornings I stop to pull weeds in the cool morning air. Some mornings, like today, I take pictures. But no matter what I do, it has become one of my favorite parts of the day!
This morning, the squash plants were covered with blossoms ... yummy zuchinni on the way!
I am quite proud of our gardens this year, thanks in LARGE part to Gage. Every other year, the garden has really been MY project. However, this year Gage seems to be enjoying it as much as I do (or he's just doing it to keep me from working so hard, and acting like he is enjoying it. Hmmmm ....)
In any case, together we have devised a clever system for the tomatoes that we believe will effectively keep the weeds down with minimal work. After rotatilling the garden really well, Gage and Roger put up cattle panels for me to tie the plants to. I mulched each plant well and then Gage created an irrigation system that he attached to the panels. With the irrigation system, ONLY the plants get watered, and not the surrounding ground. We will see how it goes ... I'm sure we will have to weed some, but hopefully not like other years!
Tiny green cherry tomatoes ... just a few more weeks!
We also trellised the cucumbers ... three different varieties, good for eating and pickling! For the cucs and sunflowers, we will run soaker hoses along the ground, once again to discourage weeds in the walkways
Last week, Gage finished our last raised bed. This one has our strawberries, rhubarb and asparagus. We are so lucky that Winfield has a wonderful compost center, where we can go to get free mulch! Yesterday, Gage loaded two trailers full of mulch
Before he mulched these raised beds, you could hardly see the plants, the weeds were so huge! That's the biggest drawback to having raised beds ... it's hard to keep the weeds down because I can't rototill (I mean, what am I going to do ... pull all of these weeds by hand?!) Thank goodness for a wonderful husband. Now just look how lovely this garden is!
This garden was actually Gage's idea, as he wanted a permanent structure around our water well, so that someone wouldn't accidentally run into it. Not a bad idea, plus now I have a perfect sunny spot for my peppers, squash and lavendar plants.
Ellie says, "How do I get up there?"
"Oh well, I'll just go play with Koda instead!"
Thank goodness for patient, old dogs.
Morning sun on my flower garden ...
This flower garden has mostly blues, purples and whites (by chance, not by design). I've decided that for this particular garden, I really prefer the muted tones. There is a place for the bright flowers, but not here. This one is just so calming ...
This picture is from last night. Gage, Roger and I were eating dinner on the porch and were blessed with this beautiful rainbow! Life is good!
(Speaking of dinner, Roger fixed us fresh kohlrabi from his garden. Have you ever had kohlrabi? Neither had I. It was delicious! ... weirdlooking, but delicious! I'm definitly growing some next year!)
Picture of Kolhrabi from wikipedia


Rhonda said...

it is so refreshing to read your blog. I love watching your gardens grow and hear about your house. Enjoy those walks and know how blessed i feel to know you and follow you.

Sara Shaffer said...

Your gardens look great! Glad you are starting to feel less tired and have the opportunity to go outside each morning!