Monday, July 18, 2011

Sea of Pickles

Yesterday, Diana and I made pickles.  Here is an important life lesson: it is SO much nicer to do large canning projects with someone else! 

Here is the finished product.  Next time I plan to make pickles, remind me that it is a whole day process, okay?  I'm not saying I'll bail on the project.  It would just be nice to be realistic about the time-frame, for once.

I swear, these cucumbers grow so fast, I think you could probably SEE them grow.  I sold a TON at market on Saturday ... then picked these on Sunday morning. 

Pretty sure these were gherkin-sized on Saturday.

Yikes.  Mutant cucumbers. 

What does a 19-month old do when his mom and grandma are canning 28-quarts of pickles? 

Climbs into the empty jar box with a wooden spoon and pretends it is a boat.  :) 

(Can't you tell he's saying the word "Row?")


Don Hineman said...

What a happy little scamp! It's been less than a week and I'm already needing another "Bruce fix".

Nice pickles, by the way.

-Papa Don

Sara Shaffer said...

Yummy! Those pickles look tasty! Also, isn't it fun to see what your toddler will do to entertain themselves when you are busy? So fun to see how creative Bruce is!

Rhonda said...

wow It looks yummy and of course Bruce is a hoot and... what the heck, a guy can make a boat out of anything..