Friday, July 8, 2011


Picked these multi-colored carrots this afternoon ... cool, huh? 

Will be selling them at the Walnut Valley Farmer's Market tomorrow morning along with cucumbers, summer and winter squash, kohlrabi, cabbage, onions, and a FEW tomatoes. Oh, and sunflowers.  :)


Libby said...

very cool!

Rhonda said...

Wow.. I want some!!! Cool pic to enlarge for a kitchen!!!!

Rhonda said...

hey, so I have lots of tomatoes and they are not turning red... any ideas?

Winfield Convention and Tourism said...

Hey Rhonda - Excessive heat (which we have certainly had!) can hinder tomatoes ripening, so that is probably the culprit. Just keep them consistently watered and shade them a little, if you can. Hopefully the heat will break soon!