Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Five Months

Here is our happy little 5-month-old boy this morning!

Silly ...

Sillier ...


Yea, he's a pretty happy boy!  His mama is even happier now that Bruce has gone to waking up just ONCE a night to eat - yeehaw!  He started eating cereal last week, and immediatly eliminated one of his nighttime feedings.  I was skeptical that rice cereal would help him sleep longer, but now I'm a believer!  (Now I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that I haven't jinxed his good sleeping habits by talking about it.)

It occurred to me that I haven't shared much lately except pictures of Bruce (funny how that works ...).  Never fear, family, pictures of Bruce will always have first placement on this blog.  However, I'm also going to get back to sharing a little about our gardens and "homestead."  I have been taking lots of pictures of the gardens lately, and will share more as I have time.  Today though, I could not resist sharing this picture:

One ripe for the picking!
Our strawberries are growing like gangbusters, which is very exciting! 
They are thriving despite our neglect.  YUM!


Libby said...

I CANNOT believe he is five months!! I have NOT gotten enough time with that boy - we are SOO coming down memorial day weekend fo sho!
Glad the rice cereal worked - never worked for me, made maggie stay up all night with a bad belly :( and Kalo just ate the ceral and still got up 2-3 times at night - little stinkers!

Stephannie said...

Rice cereal was a LIFESAVER for us. Emma started sleeping through the night as soon as she started on it. Glad it's working for Bruce :)

Rhonda said...

Thanks so for such kind words. I have worked hard and your noticing makes it extra "sweet!" We so loved getting to meet Bruce and so enjoyed the zoo with all of us! You have such a sweet little guy, and quite the charmer! Emily was so awesome with Kalo and I really enjoyed visiting with her. I can't believe she is only in 4th grade... very mature and so kind. You have a lovely family.... I love the looks of those strawberries! :D Maybe Lexy and I will get to venture your way soon!

Sara Shaffer said...

Yeah to once a night feedings! That's so exciting. I can't believe he is already 5 months old. Where have the days gone? Our little babies are growing way to fast!!