Thursday, August 19, 2010

Top places I would rather be ...

To put it mildly, it's kinda been a week.  The kind of week where I routinely find myself dreaming of the places I would rather be.  Here are a few such places:

Secluded mountain cabin


Beach hammock with a good book (really, anywhere alone with a good book)

Or let's be honest ...

I think I need a vacation.


Sara Shaffer said...

Sorry it's been a rough week. Praying it ends on a positive note and that you can get that vacation soon!

Rhonda said...

Just thinking about you and hope a retreat/recess comes your way soon!

Libby said...

Soon, you can come to the "hineman oasis" (ie our house) Your mom suggested you and I scrapbooking while she watches the kids and I think wine should DEFINITELY be involved :) and, Cropaganza will be here soon!!

Randa said...

Oh girl...cropaganza is upon's a lot like your post...we're on the stage so it's KIND OF like a deck. There are a few "hills" to look at....I'll explain this later! There is an opportunity for a massage/pedi etc...your not really alone....but you could be in our room...and there is ALWAYS wine or at least some sort of alcohol...unless your pregnant, which is a common thing for our group at CAG. Anyone have any news?? :) I DON'T! :)

Good luck and keep your head'll be soon "Wisked" away to CAG and have all you ever needed!